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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Heaven and Hell

I am currently reading N.T. Wright's Surprised by Hope. It challenges what is generally understood in Christianity about heaven. This quote is from the introduction,

"Traditionally, of course, we suppose that Christianity teaches about a heaven above, to which the saved or blessed go, and a hell below, for the wicked and impenitent. This is still assumed by many both inside and outside the church as the oficial line, which the may or may not accept."

What questions does the idea that heaven is for the "saved and blessed" and hell is for the "wicked and impenitent" raise for you?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:23 pm

    I think it is very difficult & confronting to explain this to someone outside of the church. For those who do not understand Grace it is hard to explain how they may be going to 'hell' when they see that I am sometimes just as "wicked and impenitent" as they. The conversation needs to go delicately I guess but should we shy away from telling people this hard truth?
