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Monday, August 22, 2011

The Gospel and a Mandate for Gospel People

I have a number of books on the go at the moment, unfortunately it is my nature to start them all but not finish them. I have decided to change, I am going to go hard and read one at a time. And so the book I am finishing (starting) at the moment is Mirosalv Volf's "Theologically towering" (as quoted by N.T, Wright in Evil and the Justice of God) Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation. I've started it, but can't wait to get into the meat of it.

I attended the Vose Seminary Conference last week with the American Bible scholar Scot Mcknight as the keynote speaker. His basic message: preach Jesus! simple but yet so profound, especially in the day and age where non-christians aren't generally opposed to Jesus but are opposed to the institutional Church. And so with this in mind; The Gospel of Jesus. An excerpt from Exclusion and Embrace...

The meaning of the ministry of Jesus lies in its ending, and the abbreviated story of the ending is the model Christians should imitate. In the New Testament as a whole..."Jesus is the suffering servant whose death is a radical act of obedience toward God and an expression of loving care for his followers."
Indisputably, the self-giving love manifested on the cross and demanded by it lies at the core of the Christian faith. 
 Does knowing this motivate you to follow Jesus' example of obedience toward God and self-giving love of others? All praise to Jesus our Great King! Amen

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